Can Copper Bracelet Work With Golfer’s Elbow?

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You might have already heard about the well-known tennis elbow, but what is a golfer’s elbow? Both are a form of elbow tendinitis, but what’s the difference?

Tennis Elbow refers to damage done to tendons and muscles on the outside of the elbow, while golfer’s elbow is damage done to the tendons and muscles on the inside of the elbow. Tennis elbow is more common, while golfer’s elbow is less common.

Now, you have a general understanding of what golfer’s elbow is about. But what causes it, what are the symptoms, can it be treated, and can I use a copper magnetic bracelet to help? Stick around and all your questions will be answered.


Golfer’s elbow, a form of tendinitis, is pain that is experienced in the tendons that connect your forearm to your elbow. The pain is mostly centered around the bony bump on the inside of the elbow. Sometimes it may radiate into your forearm.

But how does Golfer’s elbow happen? It is usually the result of intense or repeated movement of the muscles responsible for flexing your fingers and wrist. After a while, it may lead to your muscles being strained and inflamed. This results in disorganized muscles and tendons that cannot function normally.

Golfer’s elbow is often seen in people who play sports involving swinging, throwing, lifting, gripping, and holding things. For example, people who play baseball, tennis, and golf may experience a golfer’s elbow.

Rest is usually enough to calm down the symptoms. However, treatment may be required to restore the tendons and muscles for normal workload activity again. Hence, it is important to know the cause and symptoms, so you can implement the correct treatment.

Golfer’s Elbow Causes

Despite the name, this condition affects more than just golfers. Any activity that involves repetitive flexing of the wrist, gripping, rotating your arm or swinging can lead to a pull or tear in the tendons. Therefore, any activity involving the wrist, hand, or forearm movements can lead to golfer’s elbow. Common causes of golfer’s elbow, apart from golfing, include:

Sports that involve swinging, such as tennis and baseball.If you do not use the right technique when playing, you can hurt your tendons and muscles. Improper gear and technique can lead to golfer’s elbow. 
Sports that involve throwing, such as baseball, football, and javelin.Pitching a ball wrong or using an incorrect technique can lead to golfer’s elbow.  
Repetitive movementsLots of forceful, repetitive movements can lead to golfer’s elbow. So, painters, carpenters, plumbers, or construction workers can develop golfer’s elbow.  
Weight training When lifting weights, you need to use a proper technique to avoid straining or tearing your tendons and muscles.


So, you know what is golfer’s elbow, but how do you know whether you have it or not? Well, one thing to note is that the pain that accompanies this condition can be sudden or over a period. However, if you have golfer’s elbow, some common symptoms you might have include:

  • Stiffness in your elbow
  • Tenderness and pain, are normally located on the inner side of your forearm or elbow.
  • Difficulty and pain carrying out certain movements, such as swinging or making a fist.
  • Numbness or tingling in your fingers (normally the little finger or ring finger)
  • Weakness in your wrists and hands


As it relates to treatment, the majority of the time, golfer’s elbow will go away over time with rest. There are four major treatment methods:

RestGolfer’s elbow will usually go away without any special method. All you need to do is avoid activities that can aggravate the condition and take some rest.  
MedicationYou can take pain relievers to help with the pain. However, it is still advised that you avoid strenuous activity.  
Therapy 1) Several therapists have advised patients to put away the activities that lead to the condition in the first place.2) The patient is also advised to use a brace to reduce tendon and muscle strain. 3) Therapists have also suggested stretching and strengthening exercises for the affected area.  
SurgerySurgery is rarely ever needed. However, if the symptoms of golfer’s elbow do not improve after consecutive treatments over a period, then surgery might be an option. This usually involves a guided removal of the scar tissues in the area you are experiencing pain.

The majority of people usually get better with ice, pain relievers, and rest. However, a lot of individuals with golfer’s elbow usually experience lingering pain for months to years. But you might be wondering, are these the only treatment methods available? Well, let’s look at this a little bit more.

Can Copper Magnetic Bracelets work for Golfers’ Elbow?

Yes, copper magnetic bracelets have been proven to relieve some of the symptoms experienced by golfer’s elbow. Many persons have expressed that copper bracelets have helped to lessen some of the symptoms of their condition. This might be due to copper’s anti-microbial properties, healing properties, and circulatory properties.

Likewise, magnets provide many benefits to the body such as relieving pain. Recent studies have shown that as an adjunct therapy, it is capable of:

*Treating multi sclerosis (MS)

*Treating tissue and bone injury

*Treating osteo and rheumatoid arthritis

*Reducing inflammation

*Enhancing immune function

*Reducing pain

*Increasing circulation for old injuries.

So, we see that both copper and magnets can help to treat your golfer’s elbow. And considering that copper is combined with magnets, copper magnetic bracelets come with a double effect: the copper health benefit and the magnetic therapy health benefit. Both metals will magnify the effect of each other and bring about a healing effect on your golfer’s elbow.

Why it can?

Copper magnetic bracelets can aid in increasing the blood flow, resulting in more anti-inflammatory white blood cells in areas experiencing pain. It can also significantly reduce swelling and soreness in golfer’s elbow. To explain further, let’s look at the benefits of copper and magnets and how they work.

There are a lot of health benefits associated with copper. These are some reasons why copper can help with a golfer’s elbow:

  • Relieves stiffness and joint pain: Copper triggers the healing properties within the body to relieve pain and heal damages. It is good for swelling and general body pain.
  • Good for Cardiovascular Health: When you wear a piece of copper jewelry, properties are absorbed into the body’s circulatory system helping it to remove toxins and produce hemoglobin. Copper helps to keep the body healthy and strong with active red blood cells. And a body with healthier cells and fewer toxins will be strong and well-balanced.
  • Anti-Microbial Properties: Copper can kill many harmful microbes, bacteria, yeasts, and viruses rapidly on contact.
  • Anti-aging and Healing Properties: Copper contains antioxidants that help to fight against radicals, and it also helps to produce collagen, which aids in the antiaging and healing process.

We now understand why copper can help with Golfer’s elbow. But how can magnets help? There is a high possibility that magnetic therapy might work for you. Currently, around the world, it is estimated that nearly 140 million people use magnetic therapy with a success rate between 75 – 95%. The chances increase when you use supplementing treatments.

One thing that you might not have known is that your body is made up of naturally occurring electric and magnetic fields. Every molecule in your body contains traces of magnetic energy. The theory suggests that when your body is experiencing problems, it is because your magnetic fields are affected or out of balance. Therefore, if you put a magnet (magnetic field) near your body or the affected area, the issue will eventually resolve itself, as your magnetic fields are realigned.  

Recent studies have shown that magnets can affect how certain chemicals and ions work in the body. For example, studies have shown that magnets affect how calcium and potassium ions work and send signals. If you can speed up or slow down a response in the body, you can understand how a magnet may be used to improve Golfer’s Elbow.

For more detail, please check our other blog:

Who can try?

As with any other treatment, there are general precautions that should be taken when dealing with magnetic therapy and magnetic bracelets. While it is generally safe for majority use, a few cases where it is advised against include:

  • Patients with an epilepsy history
  • Patients taking blood-thinning medications
  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals wearing electronic medical devices, such as pacemakers
  • Patients with insulin pumps
  • Individuals with metal implants

If you fall under any of the categories listed above, then it is in your best interest to avoid magnetic bracelets. In addition, avoid wearing magnetic bracelets near or on fresh wounds and remove magnetic jewelry before doing an MRI or X-ray.

If you do not fall in any of the categories above, then you can treat your Golfer’s Elbow with copper magnetic bracelets.

Final Thoughts

Copper magnetic bracelets are not only safe but there are many benefits associated with wearing them. It helps with reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and enhancing immune function, and it’s the perfect accessory to help with your Golfer’s Elbow.

To obtain the ultimate health bracelet, we combined pure copper bracelets with our powerful neodymium magnets. By combing these two, a copper magnetic bracelet can remedy a wide array of health issues. Place your order and start treating your Golfer’s Elbow today!


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